Ep. 150: Evaluating True Conversion

Your a pastor and you aren’t sure how to discern a credible profession of faith, or your a new pastor trying to get a pulse on the spiritual state of your congregation; what questions should I ask, what actions does the Bible say I should I be looking for to evaluate conversion? What fruit is evident, and what are its roots?

Brian and Jim discuss these and much more on this episode of Trenchtalk.

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  • Explore Practical Shepherding Women’s Ministry

  • (01:12) Introductory Information

  • (02:52) Biblical explanation of conversion and a credible profession of faith

  • (6:00) How to discern wounded sheep or wolves in sheep’s clothing?

  • (8:20) Root issues in conversion

  • (13:00) Affections are more important than words

  • (17:15) Fruits to evaluate conversion

  • (25:07) Final words