My Ministry Transition

By Brian Croft

Dear Fellow Pastors and Friends of Practical Shepherding,

I am writing to share with you an exciting update on my plans to move into a full-time ministry role with Practical Shepherding.  This ministry continues to grow and expand in many amazing ways.  As a result, I believe I should take what seems to be a strategic opportunity to commit myself to this important ongoing work fully.  Therefore, after much prayer and counsel and with the support of my family, my fellow pastors of Auburndale Baptist Church, and my Practical Shepherding Board of Directors, I believe that this is the right time to move forward with this decision. 

As I told my church, I believe this decision requires me to make another one.  In an attempt to serve Auburndale Baptist Church and its next Senior Pastor well, my family and I believe it is the wisest course to leave ABC and become faithful members of another local church.  A process for the church to determine who will be the next Senior Pastor has already begun.  My final Sunday at our church will be November 8th of this year.  My full-time role with Practical Shepherding officially begins January 1, 2021.

Truly, it has been one of the greatest joys and privileges of my life to have been the Senior Pastor of Auburndale Baptist Church for the last seventeen years.  It will be sad to leave the flock I have grown to love so much.  But I am also filled with joy and excitement at the thought of being able to give myself fully to this important work.  I would appreciate your prayers and I look forward to seeing all that God chooses to do as we continue to help pastors thrive in the trenches of pastoral ministry.

Your brother in Christ,

Brian Croft

PS – For those wondering the best way to support me as I make this transition is to give a financial gift to the ministry as I seek to raise the rest of my support by the end of the year. 

You can do so online here: